
Over the past year it has become increasingly challenging for me to observe how evangelicals are way too busy with their own little church activities while being perfectly equipped to help the world tackling the climate crisis. This lecture, taught at Communitas virtual Europe conference in 2021, is an attempt of connecting classical free church theology and preaching with the biggest threat of our time.



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Big Doubts

Not about faith. About the 'enlightened' West.

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Selig sind die geistlich Armen

... denn ihnen gehört das Himmelreich. "Wenn du es verstehst, dann war's nicht Gott." (Augustinus) Oder: Wer lernt, lebt ewig.

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Bittrer die Glocken nie klingen

Schon seit Jahren fällt mir mehr und immer wieder auf, wie Weihnachten heute nicht selten genau das Gegenteil von seiner ursprünglichen Botschaft...

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Cry for help at Christmas

You might think that there would be no room for resignation and sadness at Christmas. As if we had to decorate ourselves...

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When the Fox Guards the Geese

There are proverbs that are so wonderfully descriptive that you wonder how anyone else could come up with the idea of promoting...

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